Welcome to the True Nature Blog

Welcome to the True Nature Blog

Welcome my friend, to the True Nature blog.  I promise to do my best to contribute to your life, our life, in uplifting and positive ways – each and every blog. 

Let’s not delay.

My First True Nature Experience

I was gifted with a wonderful, life-changing experience in 1973. I was about to have my first meditation, from an instructor of Transcendental Meditation.  I ended up in this class simply because a friend asked if I’d be interested in doing “this thing” with him. I had no idea what it was about, really, and had no idea how it would alter the trajectory of my life.

I was sitting in the instructors kitchen on a simple chair, next to the instructor. He was about to give me a mantra, a word on which to focus my attention and, ideally, get to a place of no thought.

The instructor, now a long-time friend named Keith, gently said the mantra for me, and had me start repeating the mantra to myself, slowly, gently. The unexpected started almost immediately.

As I started to repeat my mantra, my experience was transforming in ways I can only attempt to describe.  My breathing slowed dramatically and my experience of being present was unlike anything I had experienced. There was a release of tension that I had no idea was even there.   It was like shifting from being a balloon full of too much air, and the release of tension as the air was released. I began feeling a joyous, delicious energy growing inside me, as the sense of ‘me’ was no longer confined to within my skin; I was both expanding to, and merging with delightful energies, refreshing me from within and from without.

This was entirely experiential, no thought was going on. This was so shocking and unexpected, I actually opened my eye and said “Wow!”

Keith simply replied quietly with a gleeful, “I know!”.

I closed my eyes and resumed.

Now when I closed my eyes, there appeared a pulsating “cloud” of energy in front of me, in the distance, a beautiful violet color. This pulsating force was growing and coming closer and closer to me. As it moved closer, the experience of being awash in absolute love was alive in my entire body, both from within and outside of me.  Refreshing, uplifting energy, became stronger and more delightful.  Somehow this was both relief and exuberance. It became more delightful with every repetition of my mantra.

This loving energy eventually engulfed me and I fully merged with it. It was an experience that words will never be able to describe.  The continual chattering of thoughts faded away. When that chatter stopped, love rushed in. Peace rushed in. Joy rushed in.

This was a direct experience of the unseen forces of life that are at play, forces providing intentional loving energy, the source of well-being and thriving.  In that moment I experienced that there is a lot more going on in life than is commonly seen or experienced, and something wonderful is available and accessible for me, for anyone, for all.  Something amazing.  Something magnificent.

While sitting on that simple kitchen chair I had my first introduction to the multi-dimensional True Nature of this life. No drugs, no alcohol, and the only side effects were a feeling of being amazingly refreshed, loved, and having a radical awakening of joy.  What a Saturday morning this had turned out to be!

I kept up my meditation practice and explored my ‘True Nature’ for decades.  I studied with a variety of spiritual teachers and explored human potential with an intense curiosity. All the while, my ongoing relationship with my “Inner Being” was being cultivated and was evolving.  I had additional ‘supernatural’ experiences, including an inexplicable experience that occurred while I was holding my Mother’s hand as she transitioned from this physical world. (Details on that mind-blowing experience will be in a future blog.)

True Nature – a World of Energy to Form

Science shows us that everything is made of energy; energy coalesced into various elements and form.  Solid hard objects are composed of atomic-level energy that is constantly moving, yet joined together to ‘magically’ form solid hard matter. There is actually a lot of relative space or distance between the protons and neutrons of an atom, yet somehow they join to form what we experience as solid. Amazing!

From my studies and explorations ‘beyond what science is measures’, I have come to know, experience, and utilize as much as possible, ‘invisible forces’ that are critically important factors in life, such as...

  • Using our choice of thoughts to control what comes into our lives, our health, wealth and happiness.
  • Using our emotions as guidance to feel in resonance with the energies that are at the Source of life - the natural energies of wellness, thriving, and ease.
  • Using our imagination, intention, will, and the power of decision, to direct and control our life experiences.
  • Using sustained focus and attention to grow and expand what we want in life.

Life is designed for direct personal engagement with your life-giving energies, to learn to direct these invisible forces to your desires.  Not so much to have ‘things’, but for the satisfying experience of choosing, deciding, and becoming more, establishing new beliefs and expectations that are liberating and empowering and serve you best.

The End of Struggle: The Floodgates Are Opened

In 1995, after owning record stores for over 20 years, and struggling the last few years as the music industry declined, I made a decision that I no longer wanted to struggle – and soon discovered that my decision triggered a seismic shift in my life.

Almost immediately, materials started coming into my life that gave me the clear vision and pathway to lead a life of more enjoyment - without struggle. Tapes and books kept ‘showing up’ on how to better know myself and live with more control and ease. The info was from multiple disparate sources, yet there was a consistency throughout it all.

This information provided a clarity about our True Nature, including why we are here, the role and value of emotions, the power of each thought to shape our lives, how our beliefs form our individual worlds and experience - and that we have made up our beliefs and can change them at any time. 

The experience behind these concepts had a powerful resonance with me - like when a tuning fork is struck and that triggers the vibrating of a nearby piano string. My spiritual studies now had the pedal to the metal.

From my study and application of teachings, I have been able to live a life of expanding riches and abundance of health, wealth and happiness, and have learned through practice how to restore harmony with these states, whenever I have been distracted or forget who I really am at my core.

The Coronavirus and The Virus of Love

When the pandemic occurred in 2020, much in the world came to a stop in many ways. Locally here in Northern California, businesses closed and normally busy streets were suddenly like a ghost town. I was out on a safe-distance run one day during this new world order, and the inspiration for a song came to me – but more than merely a song; it was like a powerful message that wanted to be expressed, somewhat like an antidote to the fear gripping the world. The song was a reminder of the ‘other’ forces in life, the never-ending propelling positive forces of life that are in all things, the force of thriving well-being and eternal improvement, acting like a virus, like a Virus of Love.

Unbeknownst to me, this was also the beginning of me becoming a voice for what is often not discussed, like an Elephant in The Room: our True Nature as energy-based humans, and in a personal Partnership with the Pure Positive Intentional Loving Forces of life.

Ideas for designs would come to me as I meditated, and continue to do so.  The designs on this website are intended to be reminders and can be used to direct focus on what is critically valuable and important in life, used as a touchstone in daily life and-or meditation, or be a personal declaration, etc. If you see a phrase or idea that resonates with you, your support with a purchase will help to keep this initiative alive and growing: I have deep appreciation for every single purchase and sharing posted, on this website of my inexplicable initiative.


Soon I will be providing a brief weekly email entitled THANK GOD ITS MONDAY! a resource to help you activate the best possible perspective and energy as you forge ahead into the week.  Click here to receive the TGIM weekly email.  And yes, a TGIM ‘theme song ‘is in the works!

Free Resources and Gifts For You

The “Free Resources” section of this site will continue to grow with tools and inspiration for living your best imaginable life. Ideas and practices that have been life-changing and transformative for me, and planning and study materials I’ve customized for myself and will share.

If you’ve read this far, congratulations on having an attention span beyond the norms of social media! 😉

See you in the inbox.

Much Love,


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